You walk down a stony path.
The path ends at a giant and ancient worn broken statue that sprawls across the ground with the surrounding area thick with overgrowth. A giant bird statue is carved perched upon its knee, the birds eyes seeming to gaze over the area in a trick of the light. A smaller statue nearby catches your eye and you notice an ancient plaque that seems embedded into it, glinting with a blue shine in the sunlight. There appears to be an engraving embedded into this smaller statue.
Trees and overgrowth surround the area and to the west are thick brambles and foilage. A muddied faded path seems to head to the brambles and then end. There might have been old pathways through there once upon a time, but the way through seems to be overgrown. And to the south the undergrowth is even thicker and definitely unpassable.
You can go northeast, look at the smaller worn statue or seach the area.